Friday, March 2, 2007

Moose Passed The New Jersey Bar Exam!!!!

Seen here trying to quench an unquenchable thirst or take a bath—the world may never know.

Despite no well-wishers, blessings of good luck, and being often depicted as laconic and good-natured but not terribly bright, Moose has once again managed to flex his antlers with the utmost superiority. Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you. Normally though, moose eat saplings and shrubs, but not this past Saturday—last Saturday this Moose devoured the bar.

The male moose will drop its antlers after mating season in order to conserve energy for the winter season. It will then re-grow them in the spring. Well by god, it looks like spring has arrived because Moose has got his antlers poking out in every direction! The usual stride of a moose is a shambling trot but, when pressed, they can break into a gallop and reach speeds of up to 55 km/h (34 mph). I don’t think I’m alone when I say that this Moose has been humming at 34 mph for years now. So join me in congratulating Moose on not only being a national animal of Canada, Norway, and Sweden but also for continuing to fight the law………….AND WIN.

In a related story, Cheese has passed the Bar Mitzvah! After all these years of suffering he’ll finally be a man. He will parlay his newly found manhood into the lead role of David, the Israeli soldier of the West Bank Story.

A musical comedy set in the fast-paced, fast-food world of competing falafel stands on the West Bank... David, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with the beautiful Palestinian cashier, Fatima, despite the animosity between their families' dueling restaurants. Can the couple's love withstand a 2000 year old conflict and their families' desire to control the future of the chic pea in the Middle East?

1 comment:

Avon Marksdale said...

Congrats, Hoss and Ross