How did Tidbit get pregnant? "We must have had hanky panky" in the shark tank, he thought.
But sharks only breed with sharks of the same species, and there were no male blacktip reef sharks at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center in Virginia Beach.
The shark swam away, bumped into a wall, headed back toward Firchau and clamped onto her left shin. Whether Tidbit meant to attack Firchau or just collided into her and snapped reflexively is hard to know.
The pain didn't hit Firchau right away. "Oh, you're not supposed to do that. That was weird," she thought as she felt the shark tug on her leg.
Firchau was taken to a hospital to get stitches while George and other team members tried to revive Tidbit. The shark rallied a couple times but died about 12 hours later.
--Now what's more amazing...? The fact that the Firchau didn't know a shark just bit her shin or the fact that a shark can get knocked up from a little bit of shark hanky panky?
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