Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Freak Show

George Sodini, 48, walked into a crowded 20-by-20 foot aerobics room at the LA Fitness gym in Collier, Pa., at about 8 p.m. Tuesday. He turned off the lights and fired as many as 50 rounds from at least two guns without saying a word, police said.

Three women were killed in the barrage and at least 10 others wounded before Sodini turned the gun on himself, police said.

When the massacre ended, Sodini lay dead on top of a gun near one of his victims. Sources told the Pittsburgh Gazette Soldini's girlfriend was among the dead.

For months before the killing spree, Sodini kept a log of his plans, filled with rage and hatred for women.

Here are his insane ramblings:

*if that doesn't work*

Good Riddance.

1 comment:

lfinn85 said...

I have such a massive headache over these killings in PA. He had the same mentality as a power-reassurance rapist. He fits the profile, but just took power over their lives instead. It's giving me a headache. Can we clean this mentality out of society yet??