Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Stay Awake. Stay Alert. Stay Alive.

After more than 11 days without nodding off, Tony Wright crawled into bed in the happy belief that he had broken the world sleeplessness record by two hours. But the poor chap is in for a rude awakening...

His 266-hour feat of endurance will not feature in Guinness World Records because it has stopped acknowledging such attempts for health reasons.

To make matters worse, someone has already beaten Mr Wright himself by a full ten hours.

Mr Wright believed he was battling to beat a record of 264 hours set by American Randy Gardner in 1964, but before the ban was enforced, there was time for Toimi Soini, of Hamina, Finland, to set a new best of 276 hours recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

As father-of-three Mr Wright slumbered yesterday, a friend said: "We have never heard of this. We have not come across it and as far as we knew the only record was the one set by Randy Gardner."

Monitored by a webcam and CCTV cameras at his local bar, Wright sustained himself with a "Stone Age" diet of raw fruit and vegetables. He drank tea and, to pass the time, played pool.