Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rock Therapy

Spencer’s new affinity for beads and therapeutic crystals is amazing. Taking style tips from his super chill friend by practicing alternative medicine, Spencer claims to be “vibrationally tuned in,” wearing the key from Atlantis around his neck, and carrying stray bird feathers in his pockets. “Crystals have calmed me down a lot,” he said in a recent episode.

Trying to spread the word of their magic healing powers, he brought Kristin a large crystal – to help drive away the bad drug rumors that have been plaguing her lately. But just as Spencer thought he had found his new wellness mantra, Stephanie started to cry after feeling shunned by her brother. Spencer’s veins began to pop out of his head, and he ultimately questioned the power of this surefire quick moral fix. “I know they’re not working, that’s why there’s HUNDREDS on me right now,” Spencer laments to his pal, who suggests the problem lies beyond any malfunctioning jewelry he may be wearing: “Maybe take them all off and look in the mirror.”

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love it!!!