The horn of the animal tore into the bullfighter's throat and emerged through his mouth in a dramatic goring on Friday evening that had the crowd screaming in horror.
The pink-stockinged, sequined matador was lifted into the air and then dropped to the sand. The bull backed away after it was distracted by fellow matadors who dashed to the rescue.
Mr Aparicio struggled to his feet, staggered a few yards, spluttering blood and was then carried from the ring and into the medical ward at the Las Ventas arena.
He was initially treated at the ring's emergency medical unit, then transferred to the city's October 12th Hospital where he underwent a six-hour operation.
On Monday he was moved out of the intensive care unit and the October 12th Hospital said in a statement that Mr Aparicio's condition was "evolving favourably" and that his prognosis was "less serious".
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