Friday, April 17, 2009

Twitter Dee And Twitter Dumb

Ashton Kutcher has beaten CNN.

The 31-year-old actor, best known for "That 70s Show" and for marrying actress Demi Moore, 15 years his senior, became the first Twitter user — — to garner more than one million "followers" late Thursday evening.

For the past few days, he'd been locked in a race with CNN's breaking news feed — — to become the first "Twitter millionaire."

But just before midnight Thursday — or the wee hours of Friday morning on the East Coast — Kutcher's account edged over the line as he, Moore and some friends broadcast a Web stream of themselves watching the Twitter numbers.

Kutcher, Moore and friends erupted in cheers as his account topped the mark, and he popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Kutcher earlier said he'd be donating 10,000 mosquito nets to the medical charity Malaria No More if he won. Just after his victory, he flashed a check made out to the charity for $100,000.

The video-game publisher Electronic Arts says the millionth follower, whoever he or she is, will become a character in the next version of "The Sims," as well as a copy of every game it publishes in 2009.

CNN on Tuesday declared it would match Kutcher's mosquito-net donation, win or lose.

1 comment:

Nuff said said...

Kutcher is a tool.