Thursday, April 2, 2009

Goodbye To An Old Friend (That We All Grew Tired Of Years Ago...)

E.R. bites the dust tonight....

Sometimes, a series manages to wrap up in a satisfying, sensible manner, providing a sense of elegant closure to a well-told tale.

"MASH" did it by ending the Korean War and saying good-bye to each cast member individually.

"Cheers" did it by bringing Diane back for the last few episodes so she and Sam could find some closure to their relationship.

And then, there are finales like these ten, which did everything wrong:,4644,6932,00.html


Jack Doneghy said...

Dude, what BS, this finale prevented new Office and 30 Rock episodes. Boooooooooooo!!!!

Lt. Daniels said...

The Wire - best TV series finale ever.

Clooney and Devito said...

People who watch ER oughta shampoo my crotch.