Young Expressions Childcare in the Waco suburb of Bellmead, Tex., is under investigation by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, a spokesman for the agency confirmed to Fox News Radio.
The children were allegedly taken by day care workers to Waco's Starplex Cinema last week to see "Death at a Funeral," a bawdy 2010 comedy that was far too gross even for most movie critics.
The Motion Picture Association of America gave the film an R rating for foul language and foul humor — and that barely scratches the surface of a movie that features corpse wrestling, psychedelic drug use, explosive diarrhea and a man's homosexual affair with a midget.
"Too much profanity, too much," said one woman walking out of the movie who told Waco's News 10 the film was inappropriate for children.
The children were originally supposed to see the film "Marmaduke," but the show was sold out.

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