Thursday, September 3, 2009

Finger My.....

An elderly man protesting health care reform had his finger bitten off in a scuffle at a rally near Los Angeles Wednesday, according to a report.

KTLA-TV reported that the violence happened at the scene of two dueling health care demonstrations -- one in favor of health care reform sponsored by, and a counter-rally of protesters against health care reform.

According to one account, a man was wading through the counter-protest to get to the MoveOn side, when the 65 year old confronted and hit him. In response, the man who was hit, identified by one witness as "pro-reform," bit off the other man's finger. Neither person was identified.

According to KTLA-TV, the elderly man took his detached finger to a local hospital for medical attention.

1 comment:

Paul said...

My pinkie, my pinkie, my kingdom for a pinkie but I guess he has that terrible Medicare a “Single-payer health care insurance” what a hypocrite. Did the little pinkie cry "Wee-wee-wee!" all the way home? It real should have been his right pinky finger that would have been a better story. They are haters not debaters.