Want to try out this new course at Oberlin College? For a hefty $4,950 you'll get to examine why "only citizens ... 'get' to claim queerness, whereas undocumented immigrants are always presumed to be heteronormative."
In other words, you'll study why people "always" assume that illegal immigrants are straight.
Oberlin administrators said that the class might have a provocative title, but that it was nothing out of the ordinary.
Brooklyn Summer Ale – A really great, refreshing summer beer. Bright flavor that goes down easy. Fizzy carbonation, citrusy hops right at the forefront - almost a spiced flavor at the back, but does not linger on the palate. Pours a light golden color with a half inch white head. Light grain, wheat and lemon aroma with a light balanced taste. Not huge flavor, but very nice balance on a hot summer day.
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