Monday, February 23, 2009

Curves Are "In"...

Hercules, the fat cat who became famous after getting stuck in a doggie door while plundering another pet's food, has found his rotund self heading for the big-time.

A video of Hercules stuck in the door became a Web sensation. Martha Stewart Living will feature him in an upcoming issue in an article about how to help pets lose weight, which Hercules has done, sort of.

But Hercules seems happiest with his owner, Geoff Earnest, who had given him up for lost. "I think he's one of the best things that has ever happened to me," Earnest said. "He's like a brother to me. I just love him to death."

Earnest walks Hercules for exercise every morning. Hercules has dropped about a pound but still weighs 19.6 pounds.

His veterinarian, Dr. Joshua Horner, says the cat could stand to drop three or four more. But to Earnest, he's fine the way he is. "He's just a big, big cat," he said. "I don't want to see him get any smaller."

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