London, 37, best known for his work on “Party of Five,” and “7th Heaven,” was in the process of changing a flat tire on June 10 when two men approached him and offered to help, Sergeant Steve Douglas of the Palm Springs Police Department told Radar.
According to Douglas, the men then forcibly took London and drove him around in his own vehicle, all while holding him at gunpoint.
He told officers (during the kidnapping) that he was forced to smoke dope and then purchase booze and hand it out in a gang area of Palm Springs, Sergeant Douglas told RadarOnline.com.
London managed to escape at 3 in the morning and his car was later found near where one of the alleged kidnappers lives in Palm Springs.
Two unidentified men were charged Wednesday in the incident, identified by a police officer who saw them when they stopped London under the guise of changing his tire and later recognized them.
Last year London completed rehabilitation treatment for a battle with prescription pills. He was arrested in 2004 for carrying controlled substances and driving without a license.
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