Tuesday, March 30, 2010

She Works Hard For The Money

The Republican National Committee staffer who was fired Monday for coordinating the use of donor money to pay the $2,000 tab at a California strip club was warned ahead of time that the party would not cover such expenses, the RNC chief of staff said in a letter to members.

The bill for a trip to the Voyeur West Hollywood -- a bondage-themed nightclub where topless dancers imitate lesbian sex -- showed up on a monthly disclosure report to the Federal Election Commission.

RNC Chief of Staff Ken McKay wrote in a letter Tuesday that the donor who was reimbursed for the expense, Erik Brown, has "verbally agreed" to repay the money to the national party.

But it was the RNC staff member who submitted the original request for the reimbursement who got in trouble with the RNC.

McKay said in the letter that the staff member "was aware that this activity was not eligible for reimbursement and had been previously counseled on this very subject."

McKay said "a group of individuals" attended the club after a "Young Eagles" donor event in Los Angeles, but that "this was not an RNC sanctioned event and was not associated in any way with any RNC official event."

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