Monday, February 26, 2007

The Program

If you’ve ever been sitting around bored and thinking to yourself, “Man, I wonder what I would have to do to throw up at the same time that I’m taking a shit?” Well, quit thinking and get out there and follow the program.

Drink the following (in this order) between 11:00 AM Saturday and 6:00 AM Sunday:

1. 3 Bloody Marys
2. 1 Extra Large Iced Coffee
3. 6 Bodddington Ale Draughts
4. 3 Kettle One Martinis
5. Numerous Kettle One and tonics (to keep the whistle wet)
6. A Tanqueray and tonic
7. A few So-Co & lime shots
8. Anything else that anyone is willing to buy you

Whatever you do, DO NOT EAT!! –you’ll ruin everything.

Before you know it, you’ll be in Brooklyn watching everything materialize right before your very eyes. Alone in a bathroom in your moment of triumph, you can only smile and realize how much you've accomplished in a single day. They say Rome wasn't built in a day........I disagree.


The Mel Wire said...

You think he's making this up? Come on over and smell my apartment. The stench should last for at least three days or so.

Avon Marksdale said...

This man speaks the truth.